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After years of going to various yoga classes and feeling like I had no idea what I was doing, I decide to sign up for a 200 hour yoga teacher training certification.  Yoga is so much more than the physical practice.  Yoga has made me stronger physically, mentally and, spiritually.  


Being able to achieve poses I never thought possible has made me want to keep chasing that adrenaline rush.  My goal is to share my practice and create a space for people of all sizes and ability levels.   


I will be organizing yoga classes, workshops, and a welcoming community for yogis of all sizes

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Practice Yoga
Anytime, Anywhere.

The lessons learned in yoga apply on and off of the mat.  Finding your breath throughout the flow helps you find it in everyday life.  

Forever grateful for my fellow 200 hour YTT students

I have learned so much from my amazing teachers, the Yogi Laurens as well as my fellow YTT students.  I look forward to collaborating on yoga events with this awesome individuals.  I am inspired to share my passion for yoga and help others as my teachers have done for me.

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